* 解决线程模式下
* ThreadLocal 失效问题
* @author lemon
public class HystrixConfig {
public HystrixConcurrencyStrategy hystrixConcurrencyStrategy() {
return new HystrixConcurrencyStrategy() {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.class);
public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixProperty<Integer> corePoolSize, HystrixProperty<Integer> maximumPoolSize, HystrixProperty<Integer> keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue) {
final ThreadFactory threadFactory = getThreadFactory(threadPoolKey);
final int dynamicCoreSize = corePoolSize.get();
final int dynamicMaximumSize = maximumPoolSize.get();
if (dynamicCoreSize > dynamicMaximumSize) {
logger.error("Hystrix ThreadPool configuration at startup for : " + threadPoolKey.name() + " is trying to set coreSize = " +
dynamicCoreSize + " and maximumSize = " + dynamicMaximumSize + ". Maximum size will be set to " +
dynamicCoreSize + ", the coreSize value, since it must be equal to or greater than the coreSize value");
return new TtlThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime.get(), unit, workQueue, threadFactory);
} else {
return new TtlThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicMaximumSize, keepAliveTime.get(), unit, workQueue, threadFactory);
public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey
, HystrixThreadPoolProperties threadPoolProperties) {
final ThreadFactory threadFactory = getThreadFactory(threadPoolKey);
final boolean allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.getAllowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize().get();
final int dynamicCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.coreSize().get();
final int keepAliveTime = threadPoolProperties.keepAliveTimeMinutes().get();
final int maxQueueSize = threadPoolProperties.maxQueueSize().get();
final BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = getBlockingQueue(maxQueueSize);
if (allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize) {
final int dynamicMaximumSize = threadPoolProperties.maximumSize().get();
if (dynamicCoreSize > dynamicMaximumSize) {
logger.error("Hystrix ThreadPool configuration at startup for : " + threadPoolKey.name() + " is trying to set coreSize = " +
dynamicCoreSize + " and maximumSize = " + dynamicMaximumSize + ". Maximum size will be set to " +
dynamicCoreSize + ", the coreSize value, since it must be equal to or greater than the coreSize value");
return new TtlThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
} else {
return new TtlThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicMaximumSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
} else {
return new TtlThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
private ThreadFactory getThreadFactory(final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey) {
if (!PlatformSpecific.isAppEngineStandardEnvironment()) {
return new ThreadFactory() {
private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(0);
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread thread = new Thread(r, "hystrix-" + threadPoolKey.name() + "-" + threadNumber.incrementAndGet());
return thread;
} else {
return PlatformSpecific.getAppEngineThreadFactory();
public static class TtlThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor {
public TtlThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit,
BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
super(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit, workQueue, threadFactory);
public void execute(Runnable command) {
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